Friday, February 25, 2011

Birthday Surprises!

This past weekend was Amy's 20th birthday followed one day later by Peter's 14th birthday. We -mainly Katie, Scott, Amy's good friend and I- managed to pull off not 1, but 2 separate SURPRISE parties!
For Amy, Scott built a bon-fire in the woods (the cover was that he and Becca were having a date night) and we had Amy's friends come and hide down there while she was out for dinner with my parents. When she returned we went down to "rescue" Scott and Becca from the little kids and "Surprise".
For Peter, we had his friends come over on Saturday for a paintball party while he was out "shopping for a present for Amy". The weather was wonderful - low 70's during the day which was perfect for paintball and then somewhat cool, but not too cold at night, which was perfect for the bonfire. Considering we were dealing with 2 older, rather nosy children and the plague was moving through the house, it all went off very smoothly and it was a wonderful weekend.

The Paintball Men

We did not get a picture of Amy's party, other than the bonfire above, so you will have to suffice with a picture taken earlier in the day when we managed to get her out of the house.

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