Monday, July 21, 2008

Scott is Home!

Scott spent most of the summer working at a summer camp run by our former church. Scott, Amy and Katie all attended the camp as campers and he always had a desire to work there. Scott was a senior counselor which meant he was in charge of a cabin full of campers with a junior counselor under him. As far as the activities during the day he was in charge of the paintball program and also filled in as a lifeguard. He was one of the music leaders for the services held each day and he was also responsible for daily Bible studies in his cabin. It was a great experience for him. Amy got to help down there one week when they were short of people at the barn. Peter attended for a week with a friend from church and they were in Scott's cabin. They had a great week.

We were very happy to have him back in one piece as that became questionable during the summer. His injuries included (but were not limited to):
1. Falling off the top of a moving car and having the back wheel run over part of him. He says he was trying to eat a gingersnap and thus was not hanging on. Of course that doesn't answer why he was on the top of the car to begin with but instead of asking just file away in a folder labeled "when a group of teenage guys get together they do stupid things". His injuries from this accident became infected requiring doctor visit and antibiotics.
2. Falling off the top of a cabin (seeing any pattern here?) and landing face first.
3. Getting shot at point blank range in paint ball several times from campers who didn't have a clue.

Some of the highlights were (according to Scott):
(These are not in order)
1. Staying up till midnight working in the pool on bodyboarding.
2. Giving a vespers talk in front of the whole camp.
3. Getting encouraging notes from our sister cabin.
4. Writing songs for our sister cabin.
5. Scaring a kid into an asthma attack.
6. Playing Yuckaball
7. Talking with a trouble kid about Christ and seeing God save him
8. Spending time with inner city kids at the pool
9. Talking with a Cuban kid about his anger problems
10. Playing music for worship
11. Dressing up in crazy outfits
12. Leading Bible Studies and discussions with kids

Some pictures to enjoy:

Scott with some of the campers

Getting ready for counselor hunt (counselors hide - campers hunt)

Training week pre-haircut
When Scott knew he had to get a haircut before campers arrived
he had one of the guys shave his head in a mohawk until then
I will spare you a picture of that!

Playing Yuckaball (a game they made up) with the guys
after the campers cleared out.

You can pray for Scott as he starts school this year. He has switched his major to biochemistry and will be going pre-med. This is something he has thought about for quite some time (one of you has particularly encouraged him in this) and he is very excited about it. He does however have a long, hard road ahead first.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Emily!

Emily turned 7 today. She is a sweet girl and is growing into a great helper around the house and with her younger siblings. Emily loves ballet, her cat Tabitha, American Girl dolls, reading, and being with people. She is a sensitive little girl and has a willing spirit. We have been blessed to have her.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Monday, July 14, 2008

Garden Update

This year I expanded my garden to down by the creek. It has done pretty well I guess. The green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, and Lima beans are doing especially good. I'm not really sure how the potatoes are doing since I can't see them but the plants are going all over the place. I tried growing lettuce and spinach but they didn't do very well with the heat.


a cucumber

green beans

The sunlight for my garden comes through this hole in the trees


Belated Fourth of July Pictures!